About Louise McClintock

Louise loves to engage with the general public. Pupils, students and employees in a way in which they can relate. From a very young age, Louise has shown a drive to overcome many hurdles. With an abundance of life experience and overcoming hurdles, she has many tales to tell with a moral edge through her motivational speaking. As a therapist and a coach, she strives to help others live a fulfilling life and overcome their fears and obstructions. Team6 Motivation is run with love.

Social anxiety didn’t stop this woman.

By |February 15th, 2018|

Having social anxiety.
As many of you know, I run events all around the country and coach hundreds globally.

At our last ‘Let Go Of Anxiety’ event in Taunton, a woman and her father came up to me at the end and said what a great event it was and how they had been left feeling impacted. […]

My clients disability and his dreams

By |February 13th, 2018|

Is it time?
Yes it’s time. It’s time whenever you decide it’s time.

I’m so glad you realised it was time when you did because there is not a day that goes by in my life that I am not super grateful for the choices I made at the time I made them.

You came to me in […]

Would you have employed me?

By |February 13th, 2018|

Honesty paid off
I remember the words of my ex employer years ago when showing him my CV and getting through to the third interview stage.
“I’d like to hear more about your motivational speaking passion and helping others”
I’d been honest in my CV and under ‘hobbies’ I’d listed the real things I enjoyed in life, […]

Just a thought about grief – perhaps it will help

By |October 14th, 2017|

A thought about grief
So tonight is Friday night and I’m sure many of you are out having fun and enjoying that Friday feeling, but I’m also pretty sure many people are sat there in a world of grief.

Im doing neither, however I am thinking about grief. I’m thinking about what grief means to me as […]

Messenger Group Therapy

By |August 9th, 2017|

New Messenger Therapy
It came as quite a shock to me just how many people are not getting the help they need out there.

Working as an NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) therapist and personal/business coach, I realise just how many people are forced to quit therapy or join long waiting lists. The financial burden has caused so […]

How observant are you?

By |October 30th, 2016|

Being observant can affect every aspect of your life

What would you class as being observant? What do you notice during your day and why is it important?

Successful people are usually fantastic observers, observers of life. They see not only opportunities where others do not but they also see the smaller things in life that many of […]

Have you reached that point? Rock bottom!

By |October 25th, 2016|

Hitting rock bottom

Just when you think it’s time to stop or give up, it’s probably the time to actually start!

After years of striving for what you always wanted in what only now feels like a previous life, you can quite easily understand how people become tired.

People grow tired of Pursuing dreams when there have been a […]

Is Anybody Listening?

By |June 18th, 2016|

Where do you actually get to talk?

I mean really ‘Talk’

Talk about you and everything that surrounds you.
There’s talking and then there is really talking, you know, not the type where you speak a lot of words in someone’s direction and then they give the appropriate nods and ‘yehs’ at the right moment when you give […]

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We limit ourselves

By |June 3rd, 2016|

For a while now I have been finding myself pushing the boundaries. When I say for a while, I mean most of my life!

I am in constant reflection or analytical state where I am able to ask myself questions frequently about my actions, feelings and emotions.

This is a large part of why I have been […]

Use Your Brain & Achieve

By |May 29th, 2016|

Neuroplasticity studies show that your brain actually grows and changes throughout your entire life, adjusting to your environment, lifestyle and emotions.

Practising something intensely, creates stronger neural pathways but it was once believed that the brain remained static and only changed during critical development periods of your life. Now scientists have even proved that new neurons […]