Speaking Of Experience

Motivational speaker, coach, therapist & author
As a Global Coach, Cognitive Behavioral Therapist and NLP practitioner, taking people from where they are now to where they want to be is Louise’s main focus. With many successful clients, Louise helps unravel and analyse in order to make working towards your goals a possibility and not just a dream.
Click here to contact Louise and find out more about how she can help you
Keynote Speaker
Delivering motivational talks to all groups, all sizes and ages is a fundamental part of what Louise does in the community.
From a very young age, Louise has shown a drive to overcome many hurdles with an abundance of life experience. Through her motivational speaking she has many tales to tell with a moral edge to each story. As a therapist and coach, Louise strives to help others live a fulfilling life and achieve their goals. In 2017 ‘Where From Here? The ultimate guide to positivity’ was published and is now available on Amazon.
louise covers many topics as a motivational speaker but is mainly known for her moving and very inspirational Keynotes:
‘Let’s get real’ A journey about the affects adversity can have on us, how we are perceived and what to do with the information that surrounds us. A focus on social media perception and the importance of being ‘you’.
‘Fear & Business‘ How fear rules our life even if we think we have it all figured out. Fear in business can hold us back and cloud our decision making, it can make us rush and not think things through. Removing limiting beliefs, or at least recognising what they are can have a huge impact in our personal and business life.
Being bullied
As a teenager, facing bullying and peer pressure, Louise still managed to study and come out of secondary school with very good GCSE grades. A*/ A grade student who decided to follow her own intuition.
Trying to ‘fit in’ caused me problems at home and affected my school life. Everything became a balancing act.
Life is one big balancing act as you reach adulthood; the only thing that changes is the level of responsibility and priorities.
Travelling the world
Louise has spent many years travelling around the world, meeting people, fundraising and experiencing new cultures which add to some of her tales when delivering her talks across the U.K.
After working with the public in many different sectors, she found her true passion in people and delivering the ultimate in service in whichever sector she worked.
This led to a career in sales and becoming one of the UK’s leading sales executives for a Blue Chip company and then moving on to running her own business ventures.
“I was fortunate to see all my hard work pay off. Constantly adapting new strategies and remaining focused, even on a bad day got me to where I wanted to be. People lose sight sometimes and forget how easy it can be with the right attitude”
In between this time, Louise faced many obstacles which no doubt would have stopped many in their tracks but when faced with such life changing events, she decided she wanted to help others to maintain their visions or dreams and to overcome such difficult diversions in order to remain balanced and strive to meet their goals.
Losing my eye
Campaigns were launched to help make society safer after being glassed and losing her right eye. She now wears a prosthetic lens and has faced many difficult times when being told that she may not be able to carry on within her roles. Louise explains how this drove her forward to continue and improve.
“There is a huge amount of judgment in society and it helps to reflect from time to time and listen to how other people have lifted barriers, overcome hurdles and objection to make a better life for themselves and others they engage. Resilience and determination is key but just as importantly, compassion for yourself and others around you”
With a true understanding of people and an edge in communication, Louise can speak, listen and answer questions to help others gain inspiration and become motivated to achieve. She takes people on a journey, whether this is through her strategic coaching and therapy sessions or whether it’s when she’s on stage talking to groups of people.
Click here to purchase a copy of Louise’s book ‘Where From Here? The ultimate guide to positivity‘
A true understanding of relationship building in your personal life and in the work environment is very important and Louise’s focus on delivering excellence in as many areas of life as possible is truly inspiring. This goes hand in hand with great experience in customer service and sales training.
- Travel from Back Packing to the most luxurious of holidays
- Customer service
- 13 years Top UK Sales & Negotiation experience
- Voluntary care worker for 7 years whilst full time employed
- Retail, Business owner & Entrepreneur
- Sales & Customer Service Trainer
- Winning incentives and awards
- Family losses & grief
- Trauma & Loss of eye
- Re-building after loss and becoming a property owner
- Motivational Inspirational Speaker
- Life Coach/NLP/CBT Practitioner/Therapist
- Organisation skills Management